tailieunhanh - Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems - Chapter 6

Động học của Ozonation của nước thải Các ứng dụng của ozone là không được giải quyết chỉ để điều trị các vùng nước tự nhiên cho việc chuẩn bị của nước uống. Trong một thời gian dài ozone đã được áp dụng để xử lý nước thải. Mặc dù mục tiêu chung của ozonation trong xử lý nước thải được khử trùng sau khi ozone sinh học thứ 1,2 điều trị cũng đóng nhiều vai trò khác, chủ yếu là để nâng cao hiệu quả hoạt động đơn vị khác như đông keo tụ-sedimentation3, 4 hoặc lọc carbon; 5,6 loại. | 6 Kinetics of the Ozonation of Wastewaters The application of ozone is not addressed solely to the treatment of natural waters for the preparation of drinking water. For a long time ozone has been applied to the treatment of wastewater. Although the general objective of ozonation in wastewater treatment is disinfection after the secondary biological treatment 1 2 ozone also plays a variety of other roles mainly to improve the efficiency of other unit operations such as coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation3 4 or carbon filtration 5 6 remove biologically refractory or toxic compounds to improve biological oxidation units 7 8 or reduce the amount of sludge generated in these latter 10 Specific literature concerning the application of ozone in the treatment of wastewater mainly industrial wastewater dates back to the 1970s when Rice and Browning 11 published a compendium of cases of ozone application. Thus industries related to both inorganic and organic compounds have used ozone for decontamination or disinfection purposes. Rice and Browning11 classified these industries in 21 categories as listed in Table . Also other wastewater such as those produced in the pesticide manufacturing and use rinsing of wood chips contaminated with pentachlorophenol or other wastes containing 1 4-dioxane marine aquaria swine marine slurries from stored livestock wastes leachates etc. have been treated with Among the numerous industrial wastewater mentioned ozone is specially applied to those containing phenols that are present in numerous industrial processes coke plants petroleum refinery plastics pulp and paper textiles soaps and detergents food and beverage etc. . Other wastewater containing surfactant compounds and dyes have also been treated with 19 In Table a list of recent papers of the last 7 years dealing with the use of ozone in wastewater treatment is presented. Many compounds present in most of these wastewaters do directly react with