Preface This book is intended as a textbook for a course in radiation physics in aca-demic medical physics graduate programs. The book may also be of interestto the large number of professionals, not only physicists, who in their dailyoccupations deal with various aspects of medical physics and have a need toimprove their understanding of radiation physics is a rapidly growing specialty of physics, concerned withthe application of physics to medicine mainly, but not exclusively, in the ap-plication of ionizing radiation to diagnosis and treatment of human disease. | E. B. Podgorsak Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists Springer BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL PHYSICS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL PHYSICS BIOMEDICALENGINEERING BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL PHYSICS BIOMEDICALENGINEERING The fields of biological and medical physics and biomedical engineering are broad multidisciplinary and dynamic. Theylie at thecrossroads offrontier researchin andmedicine. The Biological and Medical Series b intendedo be comprehensive coverings broad rangeof topics important to thestudy ofthe physical chemicalandbiological sciences. Itsgoal is to provide scientists and w ll textbooks monographs andreferenceworks toaddressthegrowing need for information. . . Booksin the series emphasize established and emergent areas of science including molecular membrane and mathematical biophysics photosynthetic energy harvesting and conversion information processing physical prmciplesof genetics sensorycommunications automata networks neural networks and cellular importantwillbe coverage ofapplied aspects ofbiological and medical physicsand biomedical engineering such as molecular electronic components anddevices biosensors physical principlesofrenewableener production advanced controland engineering . Editor-in-Chief Elias National Laboratory Oak Ridge Tennessee USA EditoriaiBoard Masuo Aizawa Department of Bioengineering Tokyo Institute ofTechnology Yokohama lap. Olaf s. Andersen Department ofPhysiology Biophysics MolecularMedicine Cornell University New York USA Robert H. Austin Department of Physics Princeton New Jersey USA James Barber Departmentof Biochemistry Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine Howard Department ofMolecular and Cellular Biology Harvarduniversity Cambridge Victor Bloomfield Department ofBiochemistry University ofMinnesota
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