tailieunhanh - Chứng vẹo cột sống tự phát
Tiến sĩ Gillingham là Giám đốc, Dịch vụ phẫu thuật, Hải quân Trung tâm y tế, San Diego, CA, và trợ lý giáo sư phẫu thuật, Đại học Dịch vụ mặc đồng phục của Khoa học Y tế, Bethesda, MD. Tiến sĩ Fan là thường trú, phẫu thuật chỉnh hình, Hải quân Trung tâm y tế, San Diego. Tiến sĩ Akbarnia là giáo sư lâm sàng Phẫu thuật chỉnh hình, Đại học California, San Diego, và Giám đốc Y khoa San Diego Trung tâm Rối loạn cột sống,. | Early Onset Idiopathic Scoliosis Bruce L. Gillingham MD CAPT MC USN Ryan A. Fan MD LT MC USNR Behrooz A. Akbarnia MD Dr. Gillingham is Director Surgical Services Naval Medical Center San Diego CA and Assistant Professor of Surgery Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Bethesda MD. Dr. Fan is Resident Orthopaedic Surgery Naval Medical Center San Diego. Dr. Akbarnia is Clinical Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery University of California San Diego and Medical Director San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders La Jolla CA. None of the following authors or the departments with which they are affiliated has received anything of value from or owns stock in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article Dr. Gillingham and Dr. Fan. Dr. Akbarnia or the departments with which he is affiliated has received royalties from DePuy Spine. Dr. Akbarnia or the departments with which he is affiliated serves as a consultant to or is an employee of DePuy Spine. Reprint requests Dr. Akbarnia San Diego Center for Spinal Disorders Suite 300 4130 La Jolla Village Drive La Jolla CA 92037-1481. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2006 14 101-112 Copyright 2006 by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Abstract Children with early onset scoliosis typically present before age 5 years. Radiographic criteria help to distinguish progressive cases from those that will spontaneously resolve. Severe cardiopulmonary problems may occur in untreated progressive cases. A comprehensive evaluation should be performed to identify commonly associated conditions such as plagiocephaly congenital heart disease inguinal hernia and hip dysplasia. For curves 20 magnetic resonance imaging of the neural axis is indicated to rule out occult central nervous system lesions. Surgical management should be considered when nonsurgical measures including bracing and casting fail to arrest progression. Surgical methods continue to evolve and are primarily directed at .
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