vị trí là một ứng cử viên tiềm năng cho cai sữa và đã được điều trị phù hợp. [35-38]. Sau khi bệnh nhân đã để lại đơn vị chăm sóc đặc biệt và ổn định huyết động và thể chất tích cực, y tế điều trị suy tim được bắt đầu phù hợp với các khuyến nghị của Hiệp hội Tim mạch Mỹ [39,40]. | 302 MUELLER WALLUKAT placement is a potential candidate for weaning and has to be treated accordingly 35-38 . After patients have left the intensive care unit and are hemodynamically and physically stabilized aggressive medical treatment of heart failure is initiated in accordance with the recommendations of the American Heart Association 39 40 . This aims at maximizing unloading as well as having a direct effect on component parts of the myocardium to reverse pathologic hypertrophy and normalize cellular metabolic function 35 . This medication includes mainly ACE inhibitors AT-1 blockers beta-blockers aldosterone antagonists and electrolytes. It aims at attaining afterload reduction and a moderate heart rate reducing myocardial oxygen demand and reducing the neurohumoral activation that occurs in parallel with heart failure 41-43 . This treatment is based on the concept that activation of the re-nin-angiotensin-aldesterone system RAAS in heart failure is maladaptive and can be an important cause of remodeling 44 45 . If possible longterm administration of diuretics should be avoided because especially in patients who have rotary blood pumps a sufficient volume status is a precondition for satisfactory flow through the pump. A mean arterial pressure between 75 and 80 mmHg is a favorable condition for pump ejection and as a positive side effect reduces the rate of hemolysis. In the early days of weaning the additional administration of antioxidants enzymes bromelaine trypsine rutoside phospholipids and fatty acids omega-3 fatty acids was regarded as unproven adjuvant supplementation however the number of articles has dramatically increased that certify favorable effects on cardiac function and oxidative stress reduction 46-62 . As heart failure per se is correlated with a high degree of oxidative stress the use of a mechanical assist device enhances that further. According to the still preliminary experience the nutritional supplementation reduces the number of .