tailieunhanh - Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days Second Edition phần 6

Điều này làm cho ý nghĩa, bởi vì trên gateway một datagram không có cần phải FTP Phần mềm PC / TCP thường trú Module 2,31 Bản quyền. 1986-1993 bởi phần mềm FTP, Inc. ếu có một lỗi khi tải chương trình ETHDRV, nó tạo ra một thông báo lỗi (các tiện ích khác nhau cho các mục đích gỡ lỗi). Một lỗi mẫu được hiển thị ở đây: | hwconfig -h Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http device address vec dma comment fpu serial - 0x3f8-0x3ff 13 4 -- type 80387 unit 0 type Standard nports 1 serial 0x2f8-0x2ff 3 - unit 1 type Standard nports 1 floppy 0x3f2-0x3f7 6 2 unit 0 type 96ds15 floppy - - - unit 1 type 135ds18 console - - - unit vga type 0 12 screens 68k adapter 0x2c00-0x2cff 11 - type arad ha 0 id 7 fts st nat 0x300-0x320 7 - type NE2000 addr 00 tape 00 6e 24 1e 3e - - - type S ha 0 id 4 lun 0 ht arad disk - - - type S ha 0 id 0 lun 0 ht arad Sdsk fts stdb - - - cyls 1002 hds 64 secs 32 THis output is from tHe SCO UNIX servers set up for tHe sample network. It Has tHe network EtHernet card already configured as device nat wHicH uses IRQ 7 sHown under tHe vec or interrupt vector column . THe nat line also sHows tHe memory address as 300-320 Hexadecimal and tHe device driver as NE2000 a Novell NetWare-compatible driver . THe address and vec columns sHow no conflicts between tHe settings used for tHe EtHernet card and otHer devices on tHe system. THe adapter entry is for a HigHspeed SCSI-2 card wHicH controls botH tHe tape and tHe Sdsk device tHe primary SCSI Hard drive. All otHer entries sHould be self-explanatory. DOS users can use tHe Microsoft Diagnostic utility or one of several tHird-party tools sucH as Central Point PC Tools or THe Norton Utilities to display IRQ vectors and memory addresses in use by tHe system. Some software even indicates wHicH vectors and addresses are available for use. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http There is no need to have the same IRQ and memory address for each card on the network because the network itself doesn t care about these settings. The IRQ and memory addresses are required for the machine to communicate with the network interface card only. The sample network used a different IRQ and memory address for each machine. IRQ and memory addresses are usually set on the network .