tailieunhanh - Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days Second Edition phần 3
xử lý việc chấm dứt của một ứng dụng trên nó đã mong đến Simpo PDF Merge thất bại trong các lớp thấp hơn. TCP cũng phải duy trì một datagrams bảng nhà nước, cũng như chia Chưa đăng ký - của tất cả các dòng dữ liệu vào và ra khỏi lớp TCP. | Handling tHe termination of an application above it tHat was expecting incoming andjSplit Unregistered Version- http a state table of all data streams in and out of tHe TCP layer. THe isolation of all tHese services in a separate layer enables applications to be designed witHout regard to flow control or message reliability. WitHout tHe TCP layer eacH application would Have to implement tHe services tHemselves wHicH is a waste of resources. TCP resides in tHe transport layer positioned above IP but below tHe upper layers and tHeir applications as sHown in Figure . TCP resides only on devices tHat actually process datagrams ensuring tHat tHe datagram Has gone from tHe source to tHe target macHine. It does not reside on a device tHat simply routes datagrams so tHere is usually no TCP layer in a gateway. THis makes sense because on a gateway tHe datagram Has no need to go HigHer in tHe layered model tHan tHe IP layer. FiguRe . TCP pROVides end-to-end communications. Because TCP is a connection-oriented protocol responsible for ensuring tHe transfer of a datagram from tHe source to destination macHine end-to-end communications TCP must receive communications messages from tHe destination macHine to acknowledge receipt of tHe datagram. THe term virtual circuit is usually used to refer to tHe communications between tHe two end macHines most of wHicH are simple acknowledgment messages eitHer confirmation of receipt or a failure code and datagram sequence numbers. Following a Message To illustrate tHe role of TCP it is instructive to follow a sample message between two macHines. THe processes are simplified at tHis stage to be expanded on later today. THe message originates from an application in an upper layer and is passed to TCP from tHe next HigHer layer in tHe arcHitecture tHrougH some protocol often referred to as an Upper-layer protocol or ULP to indicate tHat it resides above TCP . THe message is passed as a stream
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