tailieunhanh - wireless hacking projects for wifi enthusiasts phần 3

Là một chủ sở hữu đăng ký của cuốn sách này, bạn sẽ hội đủ điều kiện để truy cập miễn phí cho thành viên duy nhất của chúng tôi chương trình solutions@. Một khi bạn đã đăng ký, bạn sẽ được hưởng nhiều lợi ích, bao gồm cả: | 50 Chapter 3 Securing Our Wireless Community Configuring Our Community Users On the user s side we will leverage the PPTP client already built into Windows. Our example will use Windows XP to demonstrate the setup. The configuration is similar between all versions from Windows 95 up to the most recent version. 1. Click the Start Network Connections. As seen in screen Figure the Network Connections window will appear with your current network adapters already visible. Figure Clicking the Start Network Connections Screen 2. Click the Create a new connection link on the upper-left side of the window. As seen in Figure the New Connection Wizard will appear. Figure The New Connection Wizard Welcome Screen Securing Our Wireless Community Chapter 3 51 3. Click the Next button and the Network Connection Type dialog will appear. As seen in Figure select the Connect to the network at my workplace radio button. Figure Selecting the Connect To The Network At My Workplace radio button 4. Clicking the Next button brings up the Network Connection screen. As seen in Figure select the Virtual Private Network connection option. Figure Selecting the Virtual Private Network Connection option 5. Clicking the Next button brings up the Company Name prompt. Enter a description for your PPTP connection here. As seen in Figure we entered PPTP to Community Wireless. 52 Chapter 3 Securing Our Wireless Community Figure Description Entered for PPTP Connection 6. Clicking the Next button may bring up an Automatic Dial dialog. If this occurs select the Do not dial the initial connection option. 7. Clicking the Next button brings up the Server Name or Address dialog. As seen in Figure we entered the IP address of our is the address of the LAN interface on the m0n0wall. In our example we used . This address can be found in our m0n0wall by clicking the Interfaces LAN menu item from the .