tailieunhanh - wiley interscience tools and environments for parallel and distributed computing phần 9

Thực thi việc tạo ra một đối tượng RMISecurityManager. Điều này đảm bảo rằng mã lớp tải về bất kỳ đối tượng được thông qua để khách hàng không truy cập vào tài nguyên hệ thống. Phân phối thu gom rác thải được xử lý bởi các máy ảo Java. | 168 GESTALT OF THE GRID and Condor and 3 a resource coallocation service that enables construction of sophisticated coallocation strategies that allow use of multiple resources concurrently. Data management is supported by integration of the GSI protocol to access remote files through for example the HTTP and the FTP protocols. Data Grids are supported through replica catalog services in the newest release of the Globus Toolkit. These services allow copying of the most relevant portions of a dataset to local storage for faster access. Installation of the extensive toolkit is enabled through a packaging toolkit that can generate custom-designed installation distributions. Current research activities include the creation of a community access server restricted proxies for placing additional authorization requests within the proxy itself data Grids quality of service and integration within commodity technologies such as the Java framework and Web services. Future versions of the Globus Toolkit will integrate the Grid architecture with Web services technologies. Commodity Grid Kits The Globus Project provides a small set of useful services including authentication remote access to resources and information services to discover and query such remote resource. Unfortunately these services may not be compatible with the commodity technologies used for application development by software engineers and scientists. To overcome this difficulty the Commodity Grid project is creating Commodity Grid Toolkits CoG kits that define mappings and interfaces between Grid services and particular commodity frameworks. Technologies and frameworks of interest include Java Python CORBA 77 Perl Web Services .NET and JXTA. Existing Java 78 and Python CoG kits provide the best support for a subset of the services within the Globus Toolkit. The Python CoG kit uses SWIG to wrap the Globus Toolkit C-API while the Java CoG kit is a complete re-implementation of the Globus Toolkit protocols in .