78 bệnh nhân đã trải qua lọc máu, 90% hiển thị một số bất thường ở gan. Ngoài ra tắc nghẽn thụ động gan to và mãn tính do bệnh tim, những thay đổi này bao gồm periportal xơ hóa, biến thái, triaditis, và hemosiderosis béo, có khả năng do viêm gan siêu vi (29). Trong quá khứ, khoảng một nửa trong số các bất thường gan do viêm gan B | Gastrointestinal Complications 609 78 palinnlowho hadunttergone dialysis 90 displayed some hepatic abnormality. In addition to hepatomegaly and chronic passive congestion from cardiac disease these changesinclwdedperiportalhbrosis 1 ta-morphosis tsindil pndheiiiosidst-osis whidh aee likely gpo .ovi-al nso-titis ceojiinthe erst sppsoxt-matelydb-r ofdiebopptic abnonmaliseeswereatsributed to non-Atid i-sB hepotitis with ttbsn-iortnoso coses implicatmc hoprtitss 1t i psUiii-I-aiT irsis EBV egl tomegalovSfds CMVdadbgrugssuchds alooWot and cyclosperine. Howeosh smce whenlid patilisC virus HCVi -spa sloncs-iit hasbebiiidcntihedas the cause fs sover9d GaeaeM-fusion n nsA non-d hepatitisinCie iOiitcddtnes. Twenty-bye pc scentpt hemodistpoedpatiewte csiTy anb-HCm antiVodirT. These amilsodtes eryaysimtk d W togvtea-ahie várcmia in 85 cng s-hrOTiidliq is-b o in 00 disspitenoinial transalcioseatn mm C tlfofihcmld .liSothacpatiti c and Bure oova 3eoflyir volums. IV. GAPTRtC EMPTYING Symptoms of nausea and vomiting extremely common in the gencralpopiilationand common side effects of many prescribed drugs are particularly common amongseaclfai-rud pat may he difiicull to detel mtna inthc eiialyeis p-bedt They maybe ntyodSyore-ePtáog symptoms uCui s inia gastroeshnPagayi rebuPt gaslrop ircsis poos g trie emptymsi iuto Ctlifii sige eficcts p1 l1K ds atK liOr c mecha c s ohsttuction. ee p common causeod dllt ontera nal failutn tiliany ofthc symptomsovp aapwrth toose Ti clietyeís pattern-. Manp giabetiasw-p chiemc ranelfailuredemonstra-e poo-gastric elllots inatespectaliy toost p dtleS Ptssmnps-thetic anOpslosyelbalhctid cutodomie no uropaihyilhc niaiorityoSwi-otii willrcmain rvlativolyasymhtomatib 31 32g Dtalysisits iad oflisdCCdocs litde to e-day solid adb siqgid emptyillgtimcaas ielermincdbs ra-dioisotope markcrsỊ33e ds CAhD patlensr cde phaC-cal prcsencetil pcntoncal gia-Tsate inthc eeonmencah