giảm nhiệt độ cơ thể có thể giảm tiêu thụ oxy và cũng có thể làm giảm mức độ dị hóa protein. Hơn nữa, nó đã được thuyết phục cho thấy rằng sự giảm nhiệt độ máu trong thời gian hemofiltration là một yếu tố chính chịu trách nhiệm cải thiện sự ổn định tim mạch | 430 Druml reduction of body temperature can reduce oxygen consumption and may also reduce the extent of protein catabolism. Moreover it has been convincingly shown that a decrease inblood temperature dinnigliuiiHdiluvi-tion is riuaịor factor responsible for improvemeneof cardiovtaerilar stabilitdS2e . Thus CRRT dmeontiibutc trsfedurlionotoxygen consumotion in elieRal aOber fssociated widihopes-Iiictaboliaiiiiixl me help tts optimize the relationship between oxygenconsunictlontfallin VR2 byveduction of bodvtcmeefarocer tmd nxygendeliveac DO2-. However iSiniiavadCuRnvolimis is akpoftee be nigoooitf dchydraii rllcueeacwasadv cate C mthelreetment tR ARDSo eontinoeus hemoeitaatioecoc oeaipi m al all in DO2 imd actunllo me delarioreic ihe VOlDO relatioc-yip. Potentially Vie thetrpys issocia edCevilori mac also gecerate untowardei ieceby c-uniing toe TOBaGO-cha injury and may also impair immunocompetence. Rhereayre sew fel f de n-hey hlh i tion mechincr naehidaiihc almg nrrtdiutoetcanwaisu the suestoutiodtodid a i tiuú ed. B. Gtucose Balance The substitution fluids used in CRRT should contain glucosem aconcentrationof 100-180 mg dL in order to maintain a zero glucose balance. The use of glucose-free solutioiirdoer to- cieryaheie cs SimKrnnwonkr takingly msumcd to rc iitlotosTllXl lt inthe tnaia-bolic aetrtC in paiíbctr will impaised d-nonce utilization isuahecmmds-paiien fuito redtemrcase states . ThCc wifl ritiiply r ic in aglro eraloi sc-countino tor VO-bOg day aiepa ixiitH on fl e i ton voluinait which murt be ocmpensatedCor bi anacn-vation cndogeuobf glucooeoncixaifi machld iaom amino o d thus pbollll tingnrotctoitl aaSd nviit. In this case toe glbcors lorsdnamgOsstlieof ghccse-faee solutions daa tobbe nsideredinbt the eneagy leiCmce oftheudtif n cealnlus bb ceplacedob nutritional mi 2apy. On the oiherttalKi b -vltohigh u-Uì cose coceann etionc-sodhas CAPD rnlutioria rirealfor CRRT Cysoiiiaeanierr will aesult in a massive