tailieunhanh - Beginning PHP5, Apache, and MySQL Web Development split phần 10

Các vấn đề cơ bản của quá trình đó, thu thập thông tin từ người sử dụng, lưu trữ nó trong một cơ sở dữ liệu, và hiển thị các thông tin theo yêu cầu của người sử dụng. Vì chúng ta đã được bảo hiểm của hành vi này trước khi, chúng ta hãy nói về một chút gì đó mạnh mẽ hơn, tìm kiếm. | Appendix C Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http Function Description disk_free_space directory Returns the amount of free space in the named directory. disk_total_space directory Returns the amount of space in the named directory. diskfreespace directory Equal to disk_free_space returns the amount of free space in the named directory. getcwd Returns the name of the current directory. fclose file_pointer Closes the named file. feof file_pointer Verifies whether or not the end of file has been reached for the named file. fflush file pointer Flushes the output to a file. fgetc file_pointer Returns the next character listed in the named file. fgetcsv file_pointer length delimiter Returns the next line in the named file. fgets file_pointer length Returns a line of up to length-1 in the named file. fegtss file pointer length allowable_tags Returns a line of up to length-1 in the named file while removing all tags except those specified. file filename usepath Returns an entire file in an array format with each line representing a new value in the array. file_get_contents filename Reads the entire file contents into a string. file_exists filename Verifies whether the named file exists. fileatime filename Returns the last time the named file was accessed. filectime filename Returns the last time the named file was changed in UNIX timestamp format . filegroup filename Returns the owner of the named file s group. fileinode filename Returns the named file s inode number. filemtime filename Returns the last time the named file was modified. fileowner filename Returns the owner of the named file. fileperms filename Returns the permissions associated with the named file. 718 PHP5 Functions Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http Function Description filesize filename Returns the size of the named file. filetype filename Returns the type of the named file. flock file_pointer operation wouldblock Locks or unlocks