tailieunhanh - Cost Accounting Traditions And Innovations - Chapter 12

CHAPTER 12 Relevant Costing After completing this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions: What factors are relevant in making decisions and why? How do opportunity costs affect decision making? | CHAPTER Relevant Costing 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES Ater completing this chapter you should be able to answer the following questions 0 What factors are relevant in making decisions and why 0 How do opportunity costs affect decision making 0 What are sunk costs and why are they not relevant in making decisions s What are the relevant financial considerations in outsourcing 0 How can management make the best use of a scarce resource 0 How does sales mix pertain to relevant costing problems 0 How are special prices set and when are they used 0 How is segment margin used to determine whether a product line should be retained or eliminated 0 Appendix How is a linear programming problem formulated INTRODUCING PricewaterhouseCoopers During the last decade increasing competition has forced many companies to refocus their resources and to defend their core businesses against aggressors. In developing strategies to fight this war managers have generally reached a consensus on two strategic criteria. First to win a battle the focus of organizations must be on delivering products and services in the manner most consistent with the desires of customers. Second no company can do all things well. The strategies managers devise in this intensive struggle evolve from internal evaluations in which the managers identify the functions they must do well to survive. These functions are regarded as core competencies and maintaining leadership in these areas is regarded as vital. All other functions although important to the organization are regarded as noncore functions. By intensely focusing on core functions managers try to maintain a competitive advantage. However an undesirable consequence of focusing on only the core competencies is that the quality and capabilities of the noncore functions can deteriorate. This deterioration in turn can http reduce a firm s ability to attract customers to its products and services. Outsourcing the noncore functions to firms that have

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