tailieunhanh - Answers to Mastery Checks

1. C++ is at the center of modern programming because it was derived from C and is the parent of Java and C#. These are the four most important programming languages. 2. True, a C++ compiler produces code that can be directly executed by the computer. 3. Encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance are the three guiding principles of OOP. 4. C++ programs begin execution at main( ). 5. A header contains information used by the program. 6. is the. | Answers to Mastery Checks Module 1 C Fundamentals 1. C is at the center of modern programming because it was derived from C and is the parent of Java and C . These are the four most important programming languages. 2. True a C compiler produces code that can be directly executed by the computer. 3. Encapsulation polymorphism and inheritance are the three guiding principles of OOP. 4. C programs begin execution at main . 5. A header contains information used by the program. 6. iostream is the header the supports I O. The statement includes the iostream header in a program. 7. A namespace is a declarative region in which various program elements can be placed. Elements declared in one namespace are separate from elements declared in another. 8. A variable is a named memory location. The contents of a variable can be changed during the execution of a program. 9. The invalid variables are d and e. Variable names cannot begin with a digit or be the same as a C keyword. 10. A single-line comment begins with and ends at the end of the line. A multiline comment begins with and ends with . 11. The general form of the if if condition statement The general form of the for for initialization condition increment statement 12. A block of code is started with a and ended with a . 13. Show a table of Earth to Moon weights. Ainclude iostream using namespace std int main 1 C A Beginner s Guide by Herbert Schildt double earthweight weight on earth double moonweight weight on moon int counter counter 0 for earthweight earthweight earthweight moonweight earthweight cout earthweight earth-pounds is equivalent to moonweight moon-pounds. n counter if counter 25 cout n counter 0 return 0 14. Convert Jovian years to Earth years. include iostream using namespace std int main double e years earth years double j years Jovian years cout Enter number of Jovian years cin j years e years j years cout Equivalent Earth years e years return 0 15. When a function is called program