tailieunhanh - Public Relations for Dummies

Whoever you are, wherever you are, public relations makes a difference in your life — believe it or not. If you’re a small-business owner or manager or a wannabe entrepreneur, PR helps level the playing field between you and your bigger, wealthier competi- tors. You may not be able to afford a 60-second commercial during the Super Bowl, but if you offer a free session at your health club to people who come in during the Super Bowl, you can get front-page publicity based on your PR event | The fun and easy way to or product Public Relations DUW-VeS 2nd Edition A Reference Ä for the- . Rest of Us FREE eTips at Eric Yaverbaum Managing Partner LIME public relations promotions with Bob Bly and llese Benun Maximize Internet media and international appeal Public Relations FOR DUMMIES 2ND .