tailieunhanh - adobe flash cs5 on demand part 29

Thay đổi Liên kết Văn bản Tương tự như công cụ chỉnh sửa các văn bản hoặc các chương trình xử lý văn bản, Flash bao gồm các tính năng để định dạng đoạn có sự liên kết, lợi nhuận, và có dấu (New!). | Changing Text Alignment Similar to other text editing tools or word processing programs Flash includes features for formatting paragraphs with alignment margins and indentation New . These features can be accessed through the Text menu and in the Property Inspector whenever any text box is selected on the Stage. Each text box can have its own individual properties assigned to it. Alignment governs the position of the text in a text box margins are the space between the left and right side of the text and the boundaries of the text box and indentation sets the amount of character spaces before the first line of text in a paragraph begins. Align Paragraph Text Select the text box you want to change with the Selection tool or select text within the text box with the Text tool. In the Property Inspector in the Paragraph section click one of the following Align Left. Aligns text to the left margin. Align Center. Text is centered between the boundaries of the text box. Align Right. Aligns text to the right margin. Justify. Each line of text fills the width of the text box boundary. The last line aligned to the left. Justify Center TLF . Justify with the last line aligned center New . Justify Right TLF . Justify with the last line aligned right New . Justify All TLF . Justify all the lines New . Text Justify TLF . Distributes justification between letters or words New . Click the Text Justify list arrow and then click Word spacing or Letter spacing. Classic text 2 TLF text Align Left Align Right Justify Align Center 172 Chapter 5 Set Paragraph Text Margins Indents and Line Spacing Select the text box you want to change with the Selection tool. In the Property Inspector in the Paragraph section enter values for any of the following TROUBLE Options differ depending on the orientation of the text box. Indent. Indents the first line of the paragraph. Line Spacing Classic or Leading TLF . Adjusts the space between lines of text. Left Margin Classic or Start Margin TLF . .