tailieunhanh - Hướng dẫn vẽ màu nước - Phần 6

Tham khảo tài liệu 'hướng dẫn vẽ màu nước - phần 6', văn hoá - nghệ thuật, điêu khắc - hội họa phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | CHAPTER Using the Color Wheel to Understand Value Fig. 6-i. Everything about color has to do with relationships and the questions you need to ask in order to understand color are all about relationships. In this chapter we take up how to see colors as values relative to a gray scale. This skill is essential for deciding how light or dark to make a color. Perceptions of relationships are the province of the right hemisphere of the brain. In my experience I have found that students can easily assess differences between two similar hues placed side by side for example which of two colors is bluer and which is greener no problem there Problems arise however in assessing value levels of an individual hue when that hue is put into context with several different colors. Figure 6-1 shows how the same yellow can seem lighter or darker depending on the surrounding hue. Even when you know that the yellows are the same it is still hard to believe it because of the 60 Color by Betty Edwards complications of simultaneous contrast and other brain-related misperceptions. Value The best way to assess accurately the lightness or darkness of a color is to construct a gray scale that can also be used as a tool to gauge the value levels of specific colors. As with Newton s color wheel we are going to roll up our gray scale into a value wheel. Values are traditionally shown arranged in a linear scale from white to black as in Figure 6-2. Circular scales however are much easier to see in the mind s eye therefore making it easier to visualize opposite values which are important in harmonizing color. Therefore we will again use the clock face as our mnemonic for identifying the value levels of colors Figure 6-3 . Exercise 5. Shades of Gray Constructing a Value Wheel Hue Scanner Fig. 6-2. White Very light Level 1 Light Level 2 Medium value Level 3 Dark Level 4 Very dark Level 5 Black 1. Use your template to draw a wheel on a 9 x 12 piece of illustration board. This time cut out the wheel .