tailieunhanh - Installing SNMP

Upon completion of this lab, the student will be able to set up monitoring agents to run tests and alerts for the system. | Lab Installing SNMP Estimated Time 20 minutes Objective Upon completion of this lab the student will be able to set up monitoring agents to run tests and alerts for the system. Equipment A PC with Windows 2000 Professional. Scenario To monitor the network Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP must be installed. Procedures Install the SNMP service and configure the agent properties. Step 1 Click Start Settings Control Panel Add Remove Programs. Step 2 In the Add Remove Program window click Add Remove Windows Components. Wait a few seconds for the Wizard to load up. List some of the Windows Components that are already installed on the PC. Step 3 Put a checkmark in the box next to Management and Monitoring Tools and then click Next. Step 4 After the proper files are installed click Finish. This will conclude the installation of SNMP. The network performance can now be monitored. Step 5 Close all windows. Now that SNMP has been installed configure the agent properties in SNMP. Step 6 Click Start Programs Administrative Tools Computer Management. In the console tree open Services and Applications and click Services. 1 - 2 IT Essentials II - Lab Copyright 2002 Cisco Systems Inc. Step 7 In the details pane right-click SNMP Service. Click Properties. Step 8 Find and click the Agent tab. In the Contact box type the name of the user or administrator for this computer. Step 9 In the Location box type the physical location of the computer or the contact. Step 10 In the Service box uncheck all the boxes and put a checkmark next to Physical. The SNMP agent properties have been configured. Reflection List additional SNMP parameters that can be configured through the SNMP Service Properties window. From an administration standpoint what are some benefits of applying SNMP on the network 2 - 2 IT Essentials II - Lab Copyright 2002 Cisco Systems .