tailieunhanh - adobe dreamweaver cs5 on demand part 24

Chỉnh sửa hình ảnh Khi bạn đặt một hình ảnh vào một tài liệu Dreamweaver, có một cơ hội tốt mà hình ảnh lần đầu tiên được chế biến trong ứng dụng khác. Ví dụ, bạn có thể sử dụng Adobe Fireworks hoặc Photoshop để chuẩn bị các bức ảnh. Nếu bạn dự định thực hiện dự án Web, bạn sẽ có thể thả hình ảnh vào trang Web, và nó sẽ phù hợp với phương ngôn như găng tay. | Editing Images When you place an image into a Dreamweaver document there s a good chance that the image was first processed in another application. For example you might use Adobe Fireworks or Photoshop to prep photographs. If you planned out the Web project you ll be able to drop that image into the Web page and it will fit like the proverbial glove. Unfortunately you might not be the one creating the images or it s possible that you need to make a change. While it s always desirable to edit an image in the originating application Dreamweaver gives you the ability to make minor changes to the image. For example you can use Dreamweaver s new optimize feature Hint If you ve ever used Photoshop s and Illustrator s Save For Web feature you re halfway there . In addition you can resize the image to fit a specific width and height. When you edit an image in Dreamweaver you re actually making permanent changes to the original and Dreamweaver lets you know as you work. Use Optimize Open the Web page with the image you want to edit. Select the image you want to modify. Click the Modify menu point to Image and then click Optimize. Click the Options tab to utilize the following options Format. Click the Format list arrow and then select a format from the available options. Palette. Click the Palette box and then select a color palette from the available options. Loss. Set to zero by default not applicable PNG-8 images . Dither. Select the Dither check box and then set the dither percentage you want from zero to 100 percent. The dither option helps to visually approximate colors that are not in the original image. 148 Chapter 6 Color Value. Enter a value that represents the maximum number of colors in the image 2-256 and then adjust the colors optional in the color box. Transparency. Click the Transparency list arrow and then click No Transparency Index Transparency based on available colors or Alpha Transparency based on an alpha mask . Eyedropper. Click the Select .