tailieunhanh - Building a Smarter Planet Dynamic Infrastructure Overview

Global market forces are impacting us all Access to capital and credit crunch Economic down turn and future uncertainty Rising oil prices and energy shortfalls Information explosion and risk/opportunity growth Globalization and emerging economies New customer demands and business models | CHAI CHER KION Systems Sales Manager Systems Technology Group IBM Vietnam Indochina email chaick@ 05 28 2009 Inn Building a Smarter Planet Dynamic Infrastructure Overview gMMsaraMN9ni3li9n Dynamic Infrastructure Helping build a smarter planet IHII Something meaningful is happening. Every human being company organization city nation natural system and man-made system is becoming interconnected instrumented and intelligent. This is leading to new savings and efficiency - but perhaps as important new possibilities for progress. The world is flatter. The world is smaller. The world is getting smarter. Because it can. Because it must. Because we want it to. 1 2009 IBM Corporation Dynamic Infrastructure Helping build a smarter planet IHII Do you know 85 idle computing capacity is commonly seen in distributed computing environments 40 billion or percent of sales of consumer products and retail industries are lost every year due to supply chain inefficiencies. 700 per 1 or 70 on average is spent on maintaining current IT infrastructures versus adding new capabilities. data growth results in explosion of information driving 54 growth in storage requirements every year. 33 consumers who are notified of a security breach will terminate their relationship with the company they perceive as responsible. 2 2009 IBM .