tailieunhanh - Windows Startup Disk

Once the operating system is up and running, create a Windows 98 startup disk. If for some reason Windows will not load, the boot disk may be necessary to begin the troubleshooting process. | Lab Windows Startup Disk Estimated time 15 Minutes Objective Upon completion of this exercise the student will be able to create a Windows startup disk. Equipment The following equipment is required for this exercise Computer with Windows 98 or earlier installed One inches blank diskette Scenario The have installed the Windows operating system has been installed but a Windows startup disk was not made during the installation. Procedures Once the operating system is up and running create a Windows 98 startup disk. If for some reason Windows will not load the boot disk may be necessary to begin the troubleshooting process. Note In this lab use the built-in functionality of Windows to create a Windows startup disk. A boot disk can be made by copying the necessary startup files on to a floppy disk. Step 1 From the Windows desktop go to Start Settings Control Panel. What is the general purpose of the Control Panel Step 2 Once the Control Panel displays double-click on the Add Remove Programs icon. In the Add Remove Programs Properties window select the Startup Disk tab. Step 3 Click the Create Disk button. A status bar will display indicating it is preparing the files needed for the startup disk. If the cab files are not available Windows will prompt for the Windows Installation CD. 1 - 2 IT Essentials I - Lab Copyright 2002 Cisco Systems Inc. Step 4 When the files for the startup disk have been collected Windows will prompt the user to label a disk and insert it into the drive. Click the OK button. Step 5 Once the startup disk has been created write-protect the disk by moving the switch to the open position. The switch is located on the back of the disk at the top left corner. Why is it important to write-protect a bootable floppy disk Step 6 To finish the process reboot the system to make sure the diskette works. Troubleshooting A bootable floppy disk is often needed while working on computers. If the operating system will not start a floppy disk