LEV TOLSTOY SHORT STORY 11 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | LEV TOLSTOY SHORT STORY How Much Land Does a Man Need I An elder sister came to visit her younger sister in the country. The elder was married to a tradesman in town the younger to a peasant in the village. As the sisters sat over their tea talking the elder began to boast of the advantages of town life saying how comfortably they lived there how well they dressed what fine clothes her children wore what good things they ate and drank and how she went to the theatre promenades and entertainments. The younger sister was piqued and in turn disparaged the life of a tradesman and stood up for that of a peasant. I would not change my way of life for yours said she. We may live roughly but at least we are free from anxiety. You live in better style than we do but though you often earn more than you need you are very likely to lose all you have. You know the proverb Loss and gain are brothers twain. It often happens that people who are wealthy one day are begging their bread the next. Our way is safer. Though a peasant s life is not a fat one it is a long one. We shall never grow rich but we shall always have enough to eat. The elder sister said sneeringly Enough Yes if you like to share with the pigs and the calves What do you know of elegance or manners However much your good man may slave you will die as you are living-on a dung heap-and your children the same. Well what of that replied the younger. Of course our work is rough and coarse. But on the other hand it is sure and we need not bow to any one. But you in your towns are surrounded by temptations today all may be right but tomorrow the Evil One may tempt your husband with cards wine or women and all will go to ruin. Don t such things happen often enough Pahom the master of the house was lying on the top of the oven and he listened to the women s chatter. It is perfectly true thought he. Busy as we are from childhood tilling Mother Earth we peasants have no time to let any nonsense settle in our heads. Our only .