tailieunhanh - Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 34

Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 34 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 34 A Lover s Mistake It was afternoon. Molly had gone out for a walk. Mrs Gibson had been paying some calls. Lazy Cynthia had declined accompanying either. A daily walk was not a necessity to her as it was to Molly. On a lovely day or with an agreeable object or when the fancy took her she could go as far as any one but these were exceptional cases in general she was not disposed to disturb herself from her in-door occupations. Indeed not one of the ladies would have left the house had they been aware that Roger was in the neighbourhood for they were aware that he was to come down but once before his departure and that his stay at home then would be but for a short time and they were all anxious to wish him good-by before his long absence But they had understood that he was not coming to the Hall until the following week and therefore they had felt themselves at full liberty this afternoon to follow their own devices. Molly chose a walk that had been a favourite with her ever since she was a child. Something or other had happened just before she left home that made her begin wondering how far it was right for the sake of domestic peace to pass over without comment the little deviations from right that people perceive in those whom they live with. Or whether as they are placed in families for distinct purposes not by chance merely there are not duties involved in this aspect of their lot in life - whether by continually passing over failings their own standard is not lowered - the practical application of these thoughts being a dismal sort of perplexity on Molly s part as to whether her father was quite aware of her stepmother s perpetual lapses from truth and whether his blindness was wilful or not. Then she felt bitterly enough that although she was sure as could be that there was no real estrangement between her and her father yet that there were perpetual obstacles thrown in the way of their intercourse and she .