tailieunhanh - Exchange SQL And IIS- P169

Exchange SQL And IIS- P169:The following legacy Exchange features have been de-emphasized in Exchange Server 2007. What does that mean? It means that these features are still included in the Exchange product, but they’re not prioritized anymore, and will most likely disappear in the next Exchange release after Exchange Server 2007 | Administration of an IIS Web Server Chapter 16 817 slightly different than in previous versions of IIS. The important change is that virtual directories in IIS were typically assigned to the application of their parent where IIS creates a new root application. To create a new virtual directory you do the following 1. In the left column select the Web site where you would like to create a virtual directory. 2. Right-click the Web site for example Default Web Site. 3. Click Add Virtual Directory. 4. In the Add Virtual Directory Wizard type alias and enter the path. 5. Click OK. Creating Applications Many veteran IIS administrators were very familiar with the concepts sites and virtual directories though not nearly as familiar with applications. On the other hand Web developers typically are the opposite and are focused on applications. IIS brings the concept of applications to the forefront and makes applications first-class citizens. This isn t to say they haven t been important in the past just that they typically weren t the focal point something that is certainly different in IIS . The key concept to grasp about applications is that applications are the fundamental building blocks of your Web sites. They are where your developers or Web business-logic is executed and where applications are assigned to a specific application pool. To isolate them fully you would have one application per application pool though you can certainly have many applications all participating in the same application pool. To create a new application do the following 1. In the left column select the Web site where you would like to create a virtual directory. 2. Right-click the Web site for example Default Web Site. 3. Click Add Application. 4. In the Add Application Wizard type alias select an application pool and enter the path. 5. Click OK. Creating Application Pools Application pools is a concept that was added in IIS . In IIS it changed very little and is .