tailieunhanh - The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P117

The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P117: Congratulations on your journey to become certified in SQL Server 2008. This book will help prepare you for your exam and give you a practical view of working with SQL Server 2008. | 562 Chapter 13 Performance Tuning Figure Create a New Trace with SQL Server Profiler Trace Templates The next configuration option is the trace template option where the Standard template is selected by default. Trace templates provide a preconfigured trace definition for common trace scenarios. It is possible to create new trace templates or modify those provided with SQL Server. It is usually possible to start with a template and adjust the events and filters based on your needs. Table contains a summary of the trace templates when you might use them and the events captured. Table Trace Template Summary Name Description Events SP_Counts Used to trace calls to start Stored Procedures. SP Starting Standard Captures data to provide instance overview including T-SQL Statement and Stored Procedure Start and Completion. Audit Login Audit Logout ExistingConnection RPC Completed SQL BatchCompleted SQL BatchStarting Continued Performance Tuning Chapter 13 563 Table Continued. Trace Template Summary Name Description Events TSQL Captures T-SQL batch start times useful for troubleshooting client application performance and correlating data captured from applications with SQL Server events. Audit Login Audit Logout ExistingConnection RPC Starting SQL BatchStarting TSQL_ Duration Records all T-SQL Statements and the duration to complete. RPC Completed SQL BatchCompleted TSQL_ Grouped Useful for capturing activity about a specific user or application this template groups T-SQL commands by user or client. Audit Login Audit Logout ExistingConnection RPC Starting SQL BatchStarting TSQL_Locks Captures all the Transact-SQL statements that are submitted to SQL Server by clients along with exceptional lock events. Use to troubleshoot deadlocks lock time-out and lock escalation events. Blocked Process Report SP StmtCompleted SP StmtStarting SQL StmtCompleted SQL StmtStarting Deadlock Graph Use against SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 instance. Lock Cancel Lock .