tailieunhanh - Gimson's pronunciation of english part 15

Gimson's pronunciation of english part 15. Bài tập luyện ngữ pháp tiếng anh cho mọi người, đây là tài liệu hay và hữu ích có thể giúp các bạn có thể nắm vững được các ngữ pháp tiếng anh cụ thể. | 174 The Sound of English increasingly reported for a minority of RP speakers . in British hot enough nJI otusual fat or thin. Some RP speakers will also use to realize ZtZ when syifaC n follows . cotton certain. It is a feature of Refined RP that ZtZ is nelth reinforced nor replaced by glottal closure. 3 Regional variants The use of j for ft preceding syllabic and more par ticularly in unaccented intervocalic word-medial positions is typical of regio i varieties of English . those of Cockney and Glasgow as in kettle butter la . in Cockney these become kc u bA a lei o sec for . Such pro nunciatlons are not acceptable as part of London Regional RP. See for fur ther detail on . The amount of aspiration associated with t varies considerably across dialects some like Irish English and Welsh English having more aspiration than RP others like Lancashire and South Africa having very little aspiration. Scottish English generally has little aspiration also although in the Western Highland where Gaelic influence is strong there is very strong aspiration. See also the comments on aspiration in Indian English in 3 above. In Genera American ZtZ in unaccented intervocalic positions post-accentual is generally realized asa tap fr . in butter latter put it for some speakers the closure may be long enough to produce neutralization with d . Similar realizations may be heard in South African English and in southern Irish English. Also in the unaccented intervocalic position following a short vowel and across a word boundary ZtZ may be realized as a in a number of urban varieties of south Lancashire and west Yorkshire . get off go wf In the same position in Cockney t may be realized as a lap r as an alternative to . In Indian English and among speakers of ethnic Indian origin t will generally lie realized as retroflex . Sources of t d OE t tt d dd ME t d turn butter boat dew adder road OF t d try attend button doubt adamant bend __ ON t d take down Note

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