tailieunhanh - Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 74

Thêm văn bản HTML hoặc liên kết một URL cho một Slice Nếu bạn muốn bao gồm văn bản trong một lát để sử dụng trên web, bạn có thể nhập đồng bằng văn bản hoặc định dạng với tiêu chuẩn thẻ HTML trực tiếp trên một lát với các loại Không có hình ảnh. Các văn bản không hiển thị trong Photoshop, bạn cần phải sử dụng một trình duyệt web để xem nó. | Adding HTML Text or an URL Link to a Slice If you want to include text within a slice for use on the Web you can enter plain or formatted text with standard HTML tags directly on a slice with the type No Image. The text doesn t show up in Photoshop you need to use a web browser to see it. Don t enter too much text as it might affect the exported layout. You can add text using the Slice Select tool on the toolbox or in the Save For Web Devices dialog box. If you want to create a hyperlink out of a slice for use on the Web you can add an URL to a slice with the type Image. Add HTML Text to a Slice Open a document with the slice. Open the Slice dialog box to add text using one of the following Toolbox. Select the Slice Select tool on the toolbox and then double-click the slice to which you want to add text. Save For Web Devices dialog box. Click the File menu click Save For Web Devices and then double-click the slice to which you want to add text. Click the Slice Type list arrow and then click No Image. Enter the text you want. Click Background Color or the Slice Background Type list arrow and then select a color None Matte White Black or Other. Eyedropper. Only in the Save For Web Devices dialog box. For Save For Web Devices select the Text is HTML check box to include HTML formatted tags. For Save For Web Devices select the horizontal and vertical cell alignment options you want. To line up text in cells in the same row set a common baseline for all cells in the row. Click OK. Double-click the slice to open the Slice dialog box. 1 5 470 Chapter 19 Add an URL Link to a Slice Open a document. Select the Slice Select tool on the toolbox. Double-click the slice to which you want to add an URL link. Click the Slice Type list arrow and then click Image. Enter an URL address or select a previously created one from the list. Be sure to use the complete URL address such as http . If you want to enter a target frame _blank. Displays the linked file in a new