tailieunhanh - Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 74
Cắt hình ảnh của Easy Way Photoshop cho phép bạn cắt một tài liệu thành nhiều phần nhỏ hơn. Bạn có thể muốn cắt một hình ảnh để tạo ra các liên kết tương tác, tuy nhiên, lý do tốt nhất là tốc độ. Bạn có được tốc độ bằng cách nén lát cá nhân để giảm kích thước hình ảnh. Có hai loại lát: người dùng định nghĩa và layer-based. | Slicing Images the Easy Way Photoshop allows you to slice a document into smaller pieces. You might want to slice an image to create interactive links however the best reason is speed. You gain speed by compressing individual slices to reduce the image size. There are two types of slices user-defined and layer-based. You can draw directly on an image to create a user slice using the Slice tool or create a layer and then change it into a layer-based slice. When you create a slice Photoshop also creates auto slices which fill the space in the image that is not defined by a user-defined slice. User-defined and layer-based slices are identified by a solid line with blue symbols while auto slices are identified by a dotted line with gray symbols. The slices also are numbered from left to right and top to bottom. A layer-based slice uses all the data in the layer to make up the slice. If you want to make changes to the slice you need to edit the layer which makes it a little more difficult to use than a user slice. When you edit or move the layer contents the slice is automatically changed too. Create a User Slice Open a document. Select the Slice tool on the toolbox. IMPORTANT To make slicing a little easier drag a few guides from the Ruler bar to help guide your slicing tool. Click the Style Setting list arrow on the Options bar and then select the style you want Normal. Specifies the slice size as you drag. Fixed Aspect Ratio. Specifies a ratio for the slice height and width. Fixed Size. Specifies the slice height and width in pixels. Drag and release the slice tool in the document to create a rectangular or square slice. To constrain the slice to a square hold down Shift as you drag. To create a circle hold down Alt Win or Option Mac . Continue to drag and release until you have the image correctly sliced. 462 Chapter 19 Create a Layer-based Slice Open a document. Select the layer you want in the Layers panel. Click the Layer menu and then click New Layer Based .
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