tailieunhanh - Photoshop cs5 by steve Johnson part 5

Bắt Trợ giúp trong khi bạn làm việc Tại một thời gian, mọi người đều có một câu hỏi hoặc hai về cách sử dụng một chương trình. Khi bạn khởi động Photoshop Help, Adobe Cộng đồng Trợ giúp cửa sổ mở ra (New!), hiển thị danh mục giúp đỡ và chủ đề. Bạn có thể tìm kiếm giúp sản phẩm từ Trợ giúp địa phương, giúp cộng đồng, hoặc được sử dụng từ khoá hoặc cụm từ hoặc duyệt qua danh sách các loại và chủ đề để tìm thông tin cụ thể. | Getting Help While You Work At some time everyone has a question or two about using a program. When you start Photoshop Help the Adobe Community Help window opens New displaying help categories and topics. You can search product help from Local Help Community Help or by using keywords or phrases or browsing through a list of categories and topics to locate specific information. Local Help accesses product help on your local computer Community Help accesses product help online and accesses related help information on . When you perform a search using keywords or phrases a list of possible answers is shown from the search location with the most likely responses at the top. Along with help text some help topics include links to text and video tutorials. In addition comments and ratings from users are available to help guide you to an answer. You can add feedback and suggestions by signing in to using an Adobe ID. Get Help Information Click the Help menu and then click Photoshop Help. TIMESAVER Press F1 Win or AV Mac . The Adobe Community Help window opens displaying product help information. Click Help categories plus sign icons until you display the topic you want. Click the topic you want. Read the topic and if you want click any links to get information on related topics or definitions. When you re done click the Close button Win or click the Adobe Help menu Mac and then click Quit Adobe Help. Did You Know Q Click to collapse expand panel You can get help with Photoshop through the Internet. Click the Help menu and then click Photoshop Online requires an Internet connection to display Photoshop help resources from all over the Web. Click to open help in a PDF 5 26 Chapter 1 Search for Help Information Click the Help menu and then click Photoshop Help. The Adobe Community Help window opens displaying product help information. To search another CS product click the Select Product list arrow and then select a CS product. Type one