tailieunhanh - Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook P20

CHAPTER 17 DESIGN OPTIMIZATIONAM OVERVIEW A. Ravindran Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Pennsylvania State University University Park, Pennsylvania G. V. Reklaitis School of Chemical Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana INTRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPLICATION OF OPTIMIZATION METHODS Defining the System Boundaries The Performance Criterion The Independent Variables The System Model APPLICATIONSOF OPTIMIZATION IN ENGINEERING Design Applications Operations and Planning Applications Analysis and Data Reduction Applications 353 STRUCTURE OF OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS OVERVIEW OF OPTIMIZATION METHODS Unconstrained Optimization Methods Constrained Optimization Methods Code Availability SUMMARY 366 368 368 369 372 373 354 354 354 355 355. | CHAPTER 17__ DESIGN OPTIMIZATION AN OVERVIEW A. Ravindran Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania G. V. Reklaitis School of Chemical Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana INTRODUCTION 353 STRUCTURE OF OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS 366 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPLICATION OF OVERVIEW OF OPTIMIZATION METHODS 354 OPTIMIZATION METHODS 368 Defining the System Unconstrained Optimization Boundaries 354 Methods 368 The Performance Criterion 354 Constrained Optimization The Independent Variables 355 Methods 369 The System Model 355 Code Availability 372 APPLICATIONS OF SUMMARY 373 OPTIMIZATION IN ENGINEERING 356 Design Applications 357 Operations and Planning Applications 362 Analysis and Data Reduction Applications 364 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents an overview of optimization theory and its application to problems arising in engineering. In the most general terms optimization theory is a body of mathematical results and numerical methods for finding and identifying the best candidate from a collection of alternatives without having to enumerate and evaluate explicitly all possible alternatives. The process of optimization lies at the root of engineering since the classical function of the engineer is to design new better more efficient and less expensive systems as well as to devise plans and procedures for the improved operation of existing systems. The power of optimization methods to determie the best case without actually testing all possible cases comes through the use of a modest level of mathematics and at the cost of performing iterative numerical calculations using clearly defined logical procedures or algorithms implemented on computing machines. Because of the scope of most engineering applications and the tedium of the numerical calculations involved in .