tailieunhanh - Mechanical Engineer´s Handbook P6
CHAPTER 6 TITANIUM AND ITS ALLOYS Donald Knittel James B. C. Wu Cabot Corporation Kokomo, Indiana INTRODUCTION ALLOYS Aerospace Alloys Nonaerospace Alloys Other Alloys 91 92 94 95 96 96 97 98 98 Drawing Bending Cutting and Grinding Welding 100 104 104 104 SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS, AND QUALITY CONTROL 105 HEALTH AND SAFETY FACTORS USES 107 107 PHYSICALPROPERTIES CORROSION RESISTANCE FABRICATION Boiler Code INTRODUCTION Titanium was first identified as a constituent of the earth's crust in the late 170Os. In 1790, William Gregor, an English clergyman and mineralogist, discovered a black magnetic sand (ilmenite), which. | CHAPTER 6_ TITANIUM AND ITS ALLOYS Donald Knittel James B. C. Wu Cabot Corporation Kokomo Indiana INTRODUCTION 91 Drawing 100 Bending 104 ALLOYS 92 Cutting and Grinding 104 Aerospace Alloys 94 Welding 104 Nonaerospace Alloys 95 Other Alloys 96 SPECIFICATIONS STANDARDS AND QUALITY CONTROL 105 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 96 HEALTH AND SAFETY CORROSION RESISTANCE 97 FACTORS 107 FABRICATION 98 USES 107 Boiler Code 98 INTRODUCTION Titanium was first identified as a constituent of the earth s crust in the late 1700s. In 1790 William Gregor an English clergyman and mineralogist discovered a black magnetic sand ilmenite which he called menaccanite after his local parish. In 1795 a German chemist found that a Hungarian mineral rutile was the oxide of a new element he called titan after the mythical Titans of ancient Greece. In the early 1900s a sulfate purification process was developed to commercially obtain high-purity TiO2 for the pigment industry and titanium pigment became available in both the United States and Europe. During this period titanium was also used as an alloying element in irons and steels. In 1910 pure titanium metal was produced at General Electric from titanium tetrachloride and sodium in an evacuated steel container. Since the metal did not have the desired properties further work was discouraged. However this reaction formed the basis for the commercial sodium reduction process. In the 1920s ductile titanium was prepared with an iodide dissociation method combined with Hunter s sodium reduction process. In the early 1930s a magnesium vacuum reduction process was developed for reduction of titanium tetrachloride to metal. Based on this process the . Bureau of Mines BOM initiated a program in 1940 to develop commercial production. Some years later the BOM publicized its work on titanium and made samples available to the industrial community. By 1948 the BOM
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