tailieunhanh - English Skills - Speak English 1 part 9

Ta không thể đọc trôi chảy những gì chưa phát âm được dễ dàng. Vì vậy ta cần thường xuyên đọc lại những bài văn tiếng Anh thầy đã dạy trên lớp, để khi đọc sang tài liệu khác ta bắt gặp các nhóm từ đã quen, từ đó giúp ta không bị bỡ ngỡ. | 3 My friend s daughter paints beautiful pictures. In a few years she ll take the art world by storm. a something bad will happen and she ll lose her job b she ll draw an excellent painting of a storm c she ll become a very successful artist 4 Susan thinks that Ted s plan to become a famous rock star is a pipe dream. a something that is not likely to happen b Ted s biggest hope c something very realistic 5 If you re looking for a new suit you shouldn t have a problem. Clothing shops in this town are a dime a dozen. a hard to find b everywhere c lousy 6 Ted performed at his high school dance. He knew he d made a splash when all the girls started singing along. a done something wrong b made a very positive impression c created waves 7 Being a wise guy can be fun but it might not make you popular with your teachers. a a very intelligent person b an obnoxious person who makes sarcastic comments c a person whom everybody admires 8 Nicole wants to attend Yale but her parents don t want to shell out 100 000 for the tuition. a waste b save c pay ANSWERS TO LESSON 8 p. 161 55 I m by far the best candidate for president Lesson 9 NICOU FOR PRtSIVtNrỉ Nicole discusses her plans to run for student body president. Nicole wants Ted to ask his friends to vote for her. Ted agrees in exchange for Nicole s help with his homework. Nicole I ve decided to run for student body president If I m going to become a senator one day I should get some experience under my belt now. Ted Andrea Jenkins is also running. She ll give you a run for your money Nicole Andrea Jenkins is an idiot. I m by far the better candidate. Ted Don t be so full of yourself I might vote for Andrea. Nicole Stop kidding around. Let s get down to business. I need your help. Ted You want me to help you Nicole Yes. I need you to talk your friends into voting for me. Ted But you never give my friends the time of day. All you give them is the cold shoulder. .