tailieunhanh - Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 11-P2

Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 11-P2 Đây là một tác phẩm anh ngữ nổi tiếng với những từ vựng nâng cao chuyên ngành văn chương. Nhằm giúp các bạn yêu thich tiếng anh luyện tập và củng cố thêm kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh . | Wives and Daughters ELIZABETH GASKELL CHAPTER 11-P2 Yes call her Cynthia. It s a pretty name isn t it Cynthia Kirkpatrick. Not so pretty though as my old name Hyacinth Clare. People used to say it suited me so well. I must show you an acrostic a gentleman - he was a lieutenant in the 53rd - made upon it. Oh we shall have a great deal to say to each other I foresee But about Cynthia Oh yes about dear Cynthia. What do you want to know my dear Papa said she was to live with us When will she come Oh was it not sweet of your kind father I thought of nothing else but Cynthia s going out as a governess when she had completed her education she has been brought up for it and has had great advantages. But good dear Mr Gibson wouldn t hear of it. He said yesterday that she must come and live with us when she left school. When will she leave school She went for two years. I don t think I must let her leave before next summer. She teaches English as well as learning French. Next summer she shall come home and then shan t we be a happy little quartette I hope so said Molly. But she is to come to the wedding isn t she she went on timidly now knowing how far Mrs Kirkpatrick would like the allusion to her marriage. Your father has begged for her to come but we must think about it a little more before quite fixing it. The journey is a great expense Is she like you I do so want to see her. She is very handsome people say. In the bright-coloured style - perhaps something like what I was. But I like the dark-haired foreign kind of beauty best - just now touching Molly s hair and looking at her with an expression of sentimental remembrance. Does Cynthia - is she very clever and accomplished asked Molly a little afraid lest the answer should remove Miss Kirkpatrick at too great a distance from her. She ought to be I ve paid ever so much money to have her taught by the best masters. But you will see her before long and I m afraid we must go now to Lady Cumnor. It has been very charming .