tailieunhanh - SAS/ETS 9.22 User's Guide 49

SAS/Ets User's Guide 49. Provides detailed reference material for using SAS/ETS software and guides you through the analysis and forecasting of features such as univariate and multivariate time series, cross-sectional time series, seasonal adjustments, multiequational nonlinear models, discrete choice models, limited dependent variable models, portfolio analysis, and generation of financial reports, with introductory and advanced examples for each procedure. You can also find complete information about two easy-to-use point-and-click applications: the Time Series Forecasting System, for automatic and interactive time series modeling and forecasting, and the Investment Analysis System, for time-value of money analysis of a variety of investments | 472 F Chapter 9 The COMPUTAB Procedure Description Statement Option print a blank row ROWS SKIP underline the listed rows with a single line ROWS UL specify text to print if column is 0 or missing COLUMNS ZERO specify text to print if row is 0 or missing ROWS ZERO Row and Column Type Options specify that columns contain character data COLUMNS CHAR specify that rows contain character data ROWS CHAR Options for Column Headings specify literal column headings COLUMNS column heading use variable labels in column headings COLUMNS _LABEL_ specify a master title centered over columns COLUMNS MTITLE use column names in column headings COLUMNS _NAME_ Options for Row Titling use labels in row titles ROWS _LABEL_ use row names in row titles ROWS _NAME_ specify literal row titles ROWS row title PROC COMPUTAB Statement PROC COMPUTAB options The following options can be used in the PROC COMPUTAB statement. Input Options DATA SAS-data-set names the SAS data set that contains the input data. If this option is not specified the last created data set is used. If you are not reading a data set use DATA _NULL_. FUZZ value specifies the criterion to use when testing for 0. If a number is within the FUZZ value of 0 the number is set to 0. INITMISS initializes the COMPUTAB data table to missing rather than to 0. The COMPUTAB data table is discussed further in the section Details COMPUTAB Procedure on page 482. NOTRANSPOSE PROC COMPUTAB Statement F 473 NOTRANS prevents the transposition of the input data set in building the COMPUTAB report tables. The NOTRANS option causes input data set variables to appear among the columns of the report rather than among the rows. Report Formatting Options The formatting options specify default values. Many of the formatting options can be modified for specific columns in COLUMNS statements and for rows in ROWS statements. CDEC d specifies the default number of decimal places for printing. The default is CDEC 2. See the FORMAT option in the sections on