tailieunhanh - Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 216

Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 216. Tài liệu toán học quốc tế để phục vụ cho các bạn tham khảo, tài liệu bằng tiếng anh rất hữu ích cho mọi người. | Index 1473 function continued probability density 1040 probability-generating of random variable 1047 psi 944 random variables 1041 range 236 rational 276 real variable 236 regression 1063 1066 regular at point 403 Riemann 628 629 783 sample 1072 sign xxxi sine 24 25 sine hyperbolic xxxi 35 single-valued 236 402 spectral of stationary process 1075 square integrable 314 stationary value 220 stream 1295 strictly concave 245 strictly convex 245 Struve 448 449 symmetric elementary 163 tangent xxxi 24 26 56 368 380 tangent hyperbolic xxxi 35 theoretical distribution 1082 theta 978 total variation 247 Weber parabolic cylinder 967 Weierstrass 998 1000 Weierstrass elliptic 976 Whittaker 960 zero 413 Zhukovskii 404 424 functional 991 bilinear 992 Bolza 1001 classical integral 993 differentiable at point 992 first variation 992 increment 992 linear 213 quadratic 992 quadratic definite positive 993 second variation 992 993 strong minimum 991 strongly positive 993 variation 992 weak minimum 991 functional differential equations 682 684 688 931 functional equation Abel 914 Babbage 917 1416 1423 bilinear 930 1446 Cantor first 1442 Cantor second 1449 Cauchy 1438 Cauchy exponential 1443 functional equation continued Cauchy logarithmic 1439 Cauchy power 1444 cyclic 920 D Alembert 1443 Darboux 458 difference 873 difference logistic 875 Gauss 1445 Gauss generalized 1445 homogeneous function 1441 information theory basic 1440 involutory functions 917 1423 Jensen 1438 Jensen generalized 1449 linear homogeneous 910 linear nonhomogeneous 912 Lobachevsky 1444 logarithmic Cauchy 1439 Pexider 925 1440 reciprocal 919 Riccati difference 875 918 1428 1429 Schroder-Koenigs 911 self-similar solutions 1442 traveling-wave 1441 functional equations 705-707 1409 1414-1421 1446 containing iterations of unknown function 917 in several independent variables 922 1438 linear 1414-1421 functional mean 13 functional separable solution 697 special 697 functional separation of variables 697 functional series