tailieunhanh - Focus on advanced english C.A.E part 6

There is no choice in this section. You will be asked to produce one or sometimes two pieces of writing (250 words in all) in response to various kinds of written information. | SEVERE WEATHER 2 0 1 A A knocked made B B blown caused cT C struck destroyed Question 2 2 A reminders B recollections C mementos Only one of these words can refer to something in 3 A pay B give c have the present or future. Make sure you know how the 4 A plays B does c makes others are used. 5 A easily B rightly c surely Question 6 6 A experience B share c suffer Find the dependent preposition. Only one of 7 A last B originate c pass the verbs combines with it. 8 A possible B capable c powerful Question 8 The adjective you 9 A line B road c path choose must combine with of. 10 A despair B respect c dread 11 A claims B pretends c expects 12 A most B maximum c majority Question 13 13 A benefit B chance c occasion Which of these nouns can be used in the 14 A need B trust c hope phrase take .of 15 A travelling B hitching c borrowing D punched D completed D memorials D spend D works D simply D bear D date D able D bypass D warn D predicts D general D advantage D rely D making HURRICANE 6ILBERT LANGUAGE FOCUS 2 Language Focus 2 Vocabulary Skills I What s in a word What does light mean How many meanings can you think of What else is there to know about a word Use a good dictionary to check your answers to the questions below. inn2 adj 1 pale and no dark a light blue dress see colour picture on page 126 oppo site dark1 2 not weighing much or weighing less than usual Your bag s lighter than mine. opposite heavy 3 not having much force or power a light wind a light tap on the door 4 thin and not very warm a light sweater 5 a room that is light has plenty of light from the sun in it a light and airy studio 6 food or drink that is light does not make you feel too full a light white wine 7 not serious a light comedy on TV 8 it is light used to say that there is enough light to see by It was still light when we got home. 9 small in amount or less than usual Traffic is much lighter on Sundays. 10 light sleep sleep from which you wake up easily 11 make light of sth to joke about .