tailieunhanh - Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 53
Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 53. This book describes a revolution within a revolution, the opening up of the capacity of the now-familiar optical fiber to carry more messages, handle a wider variety of transmission types, and provide improved reliabilities and ease of use. In many places where fiber has been installed simply as a better form of copper, even the gigabit capacities that result have not proved adequate to keep up with the demand. The inborn human voracity for more and more bandwidth, plus the growing realization that there are other flexibilities to be had by imaginative use of the fiber, have led people. | 490 WDM Network Design CGK92 I. Chlamtac A. Ganz and G. Karmi. Lightpath communications An approach to high-bandwidth optical WAN s. IEEE Transactions on Communications 40 7 1171 1182 July 1992. CGK93 I. Chlamtac A. Ganz and G. Karmi. Lightnets Topologies for high-speed optical networks. IEEE OSA Journal on Lightwave Technology 11 5 6 951 961 May June 1993. CM00 A. L. Chiu and E. H. Modiano. Traffic grooming algorithms for reducing electronic multiplexing costs in WDM ring networks. IEEE OSA Journal on Lightwave Technology 18 2-12 2000. CMLF00 T. Cinkler D. Marx C. P. Larsen and D. Fogaras. Heuristic algorithms for joint configuration of the optical and electrical layer in multi-hop wavelength routing networks. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2000. dW90 D. de Werra. Heuristics for graph coloring. In G. Tinhofer E. Mayr and H. Noltemeier editors Computational Graph Theory volume 7 of Computing Supplement pages 191-208. Springer-Verlag Berlin 1990. FNS 92 A. Frank T. Nishizeki N. Saito H. Suzuki and E. Tardos. Algorithms for routing around a rectangle. Discrete Applied Mathematics 40 363-378 1992. GJ79 M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson. Computers and Intractability A Guide to the Theory ofNP Completeness. W. H. Freeman San Francisco 1979. GK97 O. Gerstel and S. Kutten. Dynamic wavelengh allocation in all-optical ring networks. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communication 1997. GLS99 O. Gerstel P. Lin and G. Sasaki. Combined WDM and SONET network design. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 1999. GRS97 O. Gerstel R. Ramaswami and G. H. Sasaki. Benefits of limited wavelength conversion in WDM ring networks. In OFC 97 Technical Digest pages 119-120 1997. GRS98 O. Gerstel R. Ramaswami and G. H. Sasaki. Cost effective traffic grooming in WDM rings. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 1998. GSKR99 O. Gerstel G. H. Sasaki S. Kutten and R. Ramaswami. Worst-case analysis of dynamic wavelength allocation in optical networks. IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 7 6 833 846
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