tailieunhanh - First certificate language practice part 26

The choice between the present perfect simple and the past simple can depend on how the speaker thinks. In the second example, the speaker thinks of the event as finished rather than still connected with the present. | FIRST CERTIFICATE LANGUAGE PRACTICE Practice Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. a I really miss play . like I used to. b I m sorry. I meant write .to you but I ve been busy. c Martin failed pay .the rent on time yet again. d It s not worth buy .a return ticket. e Have you ever considered work .as a teacher f I promise I won t forget feed .the cat. g We ve arranged meet .outside the school at . h If you ve got a headache try take .an aspirin. 2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given. a Jack said that he hadn t cheated in the exam. cheating the exam. b It was difficult for me not to laugh at Wendy s letter. help Wendy s letter. c I m sorry but you have not been appointed to the post. regret have not been appointed to the post. d I needed a drink of water and so I stopped running. to I stopped . e I think it would be a good idea to take the train. taking train. f Don t forget the lights when you leave. off Don t you leave. g I think Derek has forgotten the meeting. appears meeting. h My neighbour said he would call the police threatened My police. 168 GRAMMAR 28 VERBS FOLLOWED BY -ING OR INFINITIVE 3 Complete each sentence with a suitable form of the verb in brackets. a Pauline couldn t manage eat .io the ice cream. b I ve decided not sell .my bike after all. c A witness reported see .Terry at the scene of the crime. d William pretended not notice .the No Parking sign. e I suppose I tend buy .more books than I used to. f Sometimes I regret move .to this part of the country. g Did you notice anyone wait .outside when you left h Mark expects finish .work round about . 4 Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the verbs in brackets. a Mary was so