tailieunhanh - The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P59

The Real MTCS SQL Server 2008 Exam 70/432 Prep Kit- P59: Congratulations on your journey to become certified in SQL Server 2008. This book will help prepare you for your exam and give you a practical view of working with SQL Server 2008. | 272 Chapter 7 Maintaining Your Database -- Service Broker Msg 9675 State 1 Message Types analyzed 14. -- Service Broker Msg 9676 State 1 Service Contracts analyzed 6. -- Service Broker Msg 9667 State 1 Services analyzed 3. -- Service Broker Msg 9668 State 1 Service Queues analyzed 3. -- Service Broker Msg 9669 State 1 Conversation Endpoints analyzed 0. -- Service Broker Msg 9674 State 1 Conversation Groups analyzed 0. -- Service Broker Msg 9670 State 1 Remote Service Bindings analyzed 0 -- Service Broker Msg 9605 State 1 Conversation Priorities analyzed 0 DBCC results for . There are 1483 rows in 17 pages for object . DBCC results for . There are 286 rows in 3 pages for object . DBCC results for . There are 334 rows in 5 pages for object . DBCC results for . Truncated for brevity ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks SET MULTI_USER GO Using the DBCC SHRINKFILE Option to Reclaim Database Space DBCC SHRINKFILE shrinks a database file or a log file by rearranging data in the file to reclaim empty space. It can also move all data from a data file to another data file in the same filegroup allowing you to remove the empty file. Using DBCC SHRINKFILE you can shrink the file to a smaller size than its minimum size setting. The minimum size setting will then be reset to reflect the actual size. Use the syntax shown in Example to run DBCC SHRINKFILE. Example Using the DBCC SHRINKFILE Syntax DBCC SHRINKFILE file_name file_id EMPTYFILE target_size NOTRUNCATE TRUNCATEONLY WITH NO_INFOMSGS When running DBCC SHRINKFILE you can specify various options to alter the command behavior. You must specify the logical file name or file ID of the database or log file you wish to manipulate. When the EMPTYFILE option is spec Maintaining Your Database Chapter 7 273 ified the DBCC moves all data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup. SQL Server will no longer .