tailieunhanh - Focus on advanced english C.A.E part 28

In this part you and your partner sit facing each other and you will take it in turns to speak for a minute or so about a visual prompt - a photograph, cartoon, or set of pictures. When you have finished, your partner responds briefly - by saying what's similar or different about their own visual, for example. | LAST CHANCE TO SEE . 11 Focus on Grammar I The Future 2 I a Underline the verb forms in sentences 1-5 below. Match them to the correct names a-e. a present simple b present continuous c future continuous d future perfect e future perfect continuous 1 Panthers will probably have disappeared from Florida by the end of the century. 2 The New York Conservation Society is reintroducing the mynah bird to Bali next June. 3 The zoo reopens on January I st. 4 They ll be opening the gates for the last time tomorrow morning. 5 By next month the villagers will have been waiting ten years for their share of the logging profits. b Write the names of the correct forms in the explanations below. used to talk about an action which will be in progress at a point in the future. used to talk about a future event which will be complete by a time which is further in the future. used to talk about the duration of an action as seen from a point in the future. used to express a pre-arranged future action. It is similar in meaning and use to going to but with less sense of personal intention. used to express a fixed future event usually based on a timetable or programme. 2 Complete each sentence with a suitable verb form. 1 The doctor can t see anyone tomorrow because she .a conference in Cambridge. 2 It s our anniversary next week - for a whole month 3 Make sure you are at the station in plenty of time - the ten on the dot. 4 I ve booked a ticket for the concert next week and we in the front row 5 I ll be entitled to a pay rise next March because by then for two years exactly. 6 He can t make it his boss this evening. 7 Hurry up the five minutes. 8 Unfortunately library in our village due to lack of funds. 3 a Read these visions of the future and fill in the gaps using an appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Ecological Disaster Professor Robert Townley Institute of Ecological Research Tm not too .