tailieunhanh - Focus on advanced english C.A.E teacher's book 13

An important underlying principle of rhc course is the development of learner independence through study skills and self-help strategies. Students are encouraged, among other things, to make effective use of good monolingual dictionaries, to check their own learning and to employ systematic techniques for revising and extending vocabulary and structure. | 84 Tapescripts Dj And did you pick it up or did you leave it C HRIS Yeah I kept it. DJ OK. You have an interest I would say in the past. You have an interest in slightly mystical things. You have a very vivid imagination. And you enjoy using that. CHRIS Yeah. D Yeah Would that be right C HRIS I do. Dj OK. And maybe you re fairly practical but I think maybe you have to be practical for your job but maybe at home you re not so practical. CHRIS Yeah that s definite. Dj I just picked that up. C HRIS The nail on the head. Dj OK. Right. The key represents really about how practical we are and if you had a brand-new sort of door key it means you re a very down-to-earth practical sort of no-nonsense person. Not too much on the imagination. You like things around you that are just there for practical purposes that s it. The more elaborate the more old-fashioned the more mystical the key the more imagination you have and the more you like to get involved in those sort of things. All right Chris we re almost out of time but thank you very much for taking part. CHRIS Pleasure. Dj Hope you found it a bit of fun. Unit 9 Mind Your Manners Focus on Listening Bad Manners i MAN 1 If there s one thing that really annoys me it is going to call on people and you walk in there and there is a television blaring and no one either makes a move to turn the television off or even reduce the level of sound. 2 woman i The one thing that really annoys me is when you go into a shop and you buy something and the whole transaction is carried out without anybody saying anything or perhaps you will ask for something and say Thank you but the shopkeeper doesn t utter a word. I think that s very bad manners. 3 MAN 2 Yes one particular aspect of modern life which appears to me as bad manners is the habit of giving the telephone priority over a personal conversation. For example if one is having a business conversation across a desk with someone if his telephone goes he will seven times out of ten