tailieunhanh - Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P16

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P16. The book gradually introduces the reader to increasingly sophisticated arrangements, with each chapter adding a new layer of technical is a very useful and practical book. | Studio Photography Essential Skills Assignment 6 Desk Criteria LigStag . . Degk life . eg-1 afternoon sunlight mixed with ambient room light. C Self-explanatory. Background The subject matter itself. Exposure Incident lightmeter reading of keylight area. Technique Relatedtoyour vision of your desk correct subjective exposure of the Th d nndartotl in the ambient areas. The selective use of aperture and focus together with filtration of the light source or camera to complement imagncompooitinn ondqcelityolTight. Image 1 Place subject on an appropriate surface. Position the camera to achieve an approximate composition. As viewed from the camera position a spotlight in front above and to the right of the subject. Turn on Oielightmd centrethelight on full spot on thefocal pointof detioomjjoskit ntee . btideoof theciolmr. Flood aid mote theliohi entiithereeheh ihadew effect and direrti oc ato an incrdove ooadinooerdeiinhi from the cublcct. Imane2 Turn off spotlight. As viewed from the camera position a floodlight to the left of the subject. Place a large sheet of tracing paper between the light source and thasubject. Make vertical cuts in the tracing pcperco eenidHtupOiFeOts aOdhectlighiapooae eorosttVe siorOtco ofthe incnniityof the highlights con becomronedbp movingthetreoing ertei-clo en io or ferihss oweyfromthviightsource aemcreasme lio-eviiltO nfedt cuts. eopertmene until the desired effect is achieved. Lighting still life Felicity O Mara Image 3 Turn on the right-hand spotlight. Observe the difference in the intensityofthelight falling on the subject between the diffuse ttac D and direct non-traced areas. Adjustcameragmd subject matter forfinal compo tmeterreading of . areau Adj ustthe expoeureUepenaentuponhow shthdghlights A d dcadow woc jddrsti iskMee t e design ondbclanceoA ihe imaue. Eiu osurefoe dte etr OghowUlp tdd oceundestdpote d thbndws. jixpoaueaodthaditfWee legatoae .