tailieunhanh - Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P12

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P12. The book gradually introduces the reader to increasingly sophisticated arrangements, with each chapter adding a new layer of technical is a very useful and practical book. | creative controls Daniel Tiickmantel esse ti-aL sfetits Increase knowledge and understanding of aperture shutter speed and focal length andt ircombined ecton visual communication. Increasefamiharityand fluency of operating camera equipment. Through research study and observe the use of creative controls in the creation of . . photographic images. .Produce demonoOrotinga practical knowledge of depth of . p field timed exposures and perspective. Studio Photography Essential Skills Introduction S echo œ gcmc t anddesignofasubjecr wirhin che hace dete_ che effectiveness of its communication. Communication can be increased by having a better understanding of the camera and its controls. Careful consideration is advised when using technical effects so the resulting images are about communication and content and not predominantly about neverdominatetheimage. Someofthemmntechniques other thaniiphtmg emplohedpyuhatographeestoineeeate ide coaememcationogehimcneaer Fecua Duaotioo aheugosuro Perspective Owning the latest equipment will not necessarily make you a better with a simple camera used over a period of time can be of far more value. Using the camera must become second nature to the point where it can be operated with the minimum of fuss. The equipment must not interfere with the function of seeing. The camera is the tool usedtocoramunicatethe photographer photographyisaboutobservation witerjpret M oniU dcom dunite ltionofl his precanoervtdaisiov. .