tailieunhanh - Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P22

Studio Photography Essential Skills, 4th Edition P22. The book gradually introduces the reader to increasingly sophisticated arrangements, with each chapter adding a new layer of technical is a very useful and practical book. | Studio Photography Essential Skills Expansion Exposing right Manipulating the separation of zones in B W processing. Increasing exposure when using a digital camera to increase the quality of shadow information. Btp ure Exposurecompensation Combinedeffect of intensity and duration of light on light sensitive material. MieapUoii sncccas uspo deCTeningexposure from ometsgtindicated exposure tsoOtaisao e jurooru cesxiK sure . Exposure factor Exposure meter Exposure velue ic iioati onof ehc mcrease in light required to obtain correct exposure. Dem alSolthe mcon usementofligdt. Wet viiog vsldee usudmexdo useevatuutionwitho uSscOrience io opertsres timo. Extremr corneas t bsigntnesosvngetOgt exce eOsthefilmoa egcm s obilityiotecord D detail. F-stop Fall Fast film Field of view Fiui ee and ground Fill FillflasU Fihn Fihn scesd Filter Filt erfactor Fi e Fituh Fioodlight Focsl Focal length Fc ch plane Ft olt Lcic shutter Fovol point Fovusiog Fov Cogosng FovogroosO Fovmat frame Fo snol Frost liuht Fromstandard NumerindS oyslim indicating aperture diameter. A mevi meutonlarge-Uotccol exinera front mdreorramdaado. Filmwith high ISO can be used with low light levels. Area visible through the cameras viewing system. N tm oii iui l etmesi i isut pi r UaeCm-Gund. UsuodliuOslogtcreasndeuFl inshaF owsrco. Flashusedtolowerthesubj ecl drightneuraucc . Imagingme lrnrn. Rocingsffinnsetnsieiutty sv lighi . Optical U vtco uevdtomodiCylrm mitted light. NFlcb m ncatter cCe efface o frliufiller s F tsity on exposure. UuwogtrUfidht sntering the camera and falling on film plane. Nlol lUilCOUS e He gi MdcveJciuC intensity short duration. Dtiase tungveru Odhisuu cn. Tetmusedlodcssubcootical iltllcsions. Osu s emage d isgcsdewOco VFUused st infinity. WhenstF ef lmwiU reotlvsrcpot usc. Shutee eim plane. PoIu nUfd corae ldeO1mplogr otpo of interest in the image. osr1 ogs . gcoSjuslmont cfshsi ns to film distance. Wcer of Ughm ugon unooposaPfilm. j ui si .