tailieunhanh - Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 5

Đối với hầu hết các phần, MySQL là phần mềm bảo trì thấp. Một khi bạn đã cài đặt và thiết lập, có rất nhiều aren'ta nhu cầu hành chính. Tuy nhiên, nó không phải là bảo trì miễn phí. Chương này cung cấp tổng quan về các điển hình nhất các nhiệm vụ hành chính. Những từ cấu hình máy chủ của bạn, để sao lưu nó lên và chạy bảo trì định kỳ về nó. | DRAFT 8 17 01 5 MySQL Database Administration Introduction For the most part MySQL is low maintenance software. Once you have it installed and set up there aren t a lot of administrative demands. Nonetheless it is not maintenance free. This chapter provides an overview of the most typical administrative tasks. These range from configuring your server to backing it up and running periodic maintenance on it. MySQL Configuration As an administrator you will need to understand how the MySQL server and clients are configured and how to modify that configuration. The configuration of mysqld the MySQL server is controlled from the command line or from one or more options files. The options files simply provide an convenient way for you to specify command line options. The full set of options for the mysqld server and other utilities are documented in Chapter 20 - MySQL Programs and Utilities. An options file might look like this Example mysql options file. These options go to all clients client password my_password port 3306 socket var lib mysql Copyright 2001 O Reilly Associates Inc. 1 DRAFT 8 17 01 These options go to the mysqld server mysqld port 3306 socket var lib mysql skip-locking set-variable max_allowed_packet 1M These seems straightforward but lets spend a few moments to dissect this file. The first three lines look like Example mysql options file. These options go to all clients Lines starting with the pound character are comment lines and are ignored. You may also use a semi-colon to indicate a comment. The next line client is puzzling. This specifies a group . All options following this line apply to the group mentioned. In our case we have specified that the following options apply to the client group meaning that the following options will apply to all MySQL client programs. Let look at the next section. The line password my_password is equivalent to the command line option --password my_password. Since we specified a group of client .