tailieunhanh - Excel 2003 Object Model

Most of the objects in the Excel Object Model have objects with associated collections. The collection object is usually the plural form of the associated object. For example, theWorksheets collection holds a collection ofWorksheet objects. For simplicity, each object and associated collection will be grouped together under the same heading. | P1 GIG WY010-AppA WY010-Kimmel May 29 2004 1 20 Excel 2003 Object Model Most of the objects in the Excel Object Model have objects with associated collections. The collection object is usually the plural form of the associated object. For example the Worksheets collection holds a collection of Worksheet objects. For simplicity each object and associated collection will be grouped together under the same heading. Common Properties with Collections and Associated Objects In most cases the purpose of the collection object is only to hold a collection of the same objects. The common properties and methods of the collection objects are listed in the following section. Only unique properties methods or events will be mentioned in each object section. Common Collection Properties Name Returns Description Application Application Read-only. Returns a reference to the owning Application of the current object. Excel in this case Count Long Read-only. Returns the number of objects in the collection Creator Long Read-only. Returns a Long number that describes whether the object was created in Excel or not Parent Object The Parent object is the owning object of the collection object. For example Workbooks. Parent returns a reference to the Application object P1 GIG WY010-AppA WY010-Kimmel May 29 2004 1 20 Appendix A Common Collection Methods Name Returns Parameters Description Item Single Index as Variant Returns the object from the collection with the Index value specified by the Index parameter. The Index value may also specify a unique string key describing one of the objects in the collection Common Object Properties Objects also have some common properties. To avoid redundancy the common properties and methods of all objects are listed next. They will be mentioned in each object description as existing but are only defined here. Name Returns Description Application Application Read-only. Returns a reference to the owning Application of