tailieunhanh - Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 33
Quy trình công việc linh hoạt và truyền thống Mục tiêu của tất cả các điều chỉnh trong ACR là tạo ra các tập tin tốt nhất có thể từ các dữ liệu thu thập trên các bộ cảm biến máy ảnh khi bạn chụp các hình ảnh. Mặc dù bây giờ hình ảnh có thể trông khá tốt, có một số điều bạn không thể làm trong vòng ACR, chẳng hạn như áp dụng các bộ lọc, tạo ra vật liệu composite, các mục thay đổi kích thước cụ thể, và làm tăng thêm sản lượng. | 196 CHAPTER 5 WORKFLOWS AND FIRST STEPS Now imagine you have a print with a great sunset and you have another print with a silhouette of a group of birds flying by. If you took the print with the silhouette of the birds flying and placed it on top of the sunset picture you d see only the silhouette picture. But you could cut the birds out of that print and lay them on top of the print below. Now you d see the sunset with the silhouetted birds flying through it. In Photoshop this is akin to having a pixel layer that is partially transparent the part that you removed from the print is the transparent part and partially filled with pixels the silhouetted birds resting on top of the original pixel layer the sunset. The sunset is the background layer and the layer with the birds is only partially filled with pixels. In other words pixel layers can be partially transparent and partially filled with pixels. This is enough theory for now about layers but we ll be talking more about them later in this book. Take the time to reread this section again slowly if you re feeling a little shaky about layers. Flexible and Traditional Workflows The goal of all the adjustments in ACR is to create the best possible file from the data collected on the camera sensor when you took the picture. Although by now the image may look pretty good there are some things you can t do within ACR such as apply filters create composites resize specific items and sharpen output. And it s possible you ll want to tweak some of the exposure or color settings in parts of the image. We perform these tasks in a routine order to make the best final image possible. We ll describe how to do the various modifications in Photoshop in detail beginning here and continuing through the next few chapters but first we need to consider our workflow. Digital workflows are works in progress that evolve as technology and software change. With each new version of Photoshop new features cause us to make major modifications
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