tailieunhanh - JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition part 61

JavaScript Bible, Gold Edition part 61. This book will bring programmers and non-technical professionals, including casual programmers and scripters, painlessly up to speed on all aspects of mastering JavaScript. Key topics include programming fundamentals, JavaScript language elements and how to use them effectively, and how to easily and efficiently add powerful new functionality to HTML documents and Java applets. | 448 Part III Document Objects Reference On Example with Listing 19-8 on the CD-ROM Related Items appendChild removeChild replaceChild methods of element objects Chapter 15 . splitText offset Returns Text or TextNode object. NN2 NN3 NN4 NN6 IE3 J1 IE3 J2 IE4 IE5 Compatibility The splitText method performs multiple actions with one blow. The offset parameter is an integer indicating the zero-based index position within the text node at which the node is to divide into two nodes. After you invoke the method on the current text node the current node consists of the text from the beginning of the node up to the offset position. The method returns a reference to the text node whose data starts with the character after the dividing point and extends to the end of the original node. Users won t notice any change in the rendered text This method influences only the text node structure of the document. Using this method means for example that an HTML element that starts with only one text node will have two after the splitText method is invoked. The opposite action combining contiguous text node objects into a single node is performed by the NN6 nor-malize method Chapter 15 . On the Example on the CD-ROM CD-ROM r Related Items normalize method Chapter 15 . TextRange Object Properties Methods Event Handlers boundingHeight collapse boundingLeft compareEndPoints boundingTop duplicate boundingWidth execCommand htmlText expand TextRange Chapter 19 Body Text Objects 449 Properties Methods Event Handlers offsetLeftt findText offsetTopt getBookmark text getBoundingClientRect t getClientRects t inRange isEqual move moveEnd moveStart moveToBookmark moveToElementText moveToPoint parentElement pasteHTML queryCommandEnabled queryCommandIndeterm queryCommandState queryCommandSupported queryCommandText queryCommandValue scrollIntoView t select setEndPoint fSee Chapter 15 Syntax Creating a TextRange object var rangeRef var rangeRef var rangeRef var rangeRef .