Being an editor is very challenging—something I would have never guessed when I got into this line of work. I dare anybody to do it for six months and read a book the way they used to before. Gone is the lust for knowledge—to be replaced for a compulsive, incurable need to find typos and fix someone else’s grammar. Of course, someone else is the key here—it’s never your own mistakes you catch (regardless of whether you actively made them part of your own writing or didn’t catch them in another author’s work). | APRIL 05 VOLUME IV - ISSUE 4 A php architect The Magazine For PHP Professionals ABSTRAC Turn your work to child s play with RDBMS independent code SECURITY AND SOAP TRANSACTIONS How to create your own SOAP-driven daemons on your servers ADVANCED SESSIONS AND AUTHENTICATION IN PHP 5 Tackling sessions from the ground up AN XML APPROACH TO TEMPLATING USING PHPTAL CONTINUED. Making the wise choice v SPRING CLEANING Code hygiene for a healthy program life Moon Palace Resort Cancun Mexico. May 11-15 2005 Plus Security Corner Product Review and much more. Maguma vs V- Of A tool that makes it easy to build websites is a good thing. A tool that helps you build websites with the features you want is a better thing. A tool that helps you build websites with features you made yourself . Well that s the best thing. LEARNING PHP WAS NEVER THIS MUCH FUN - 3 php Tropics J - ST 4 i Moon Palace Resort Cancun Mexico. May 11-15 2005 VS . . . Come learn PHP in Paradise with us and spend less than many other conferences Accelerating PHP Applications Marcus Boerger - Implementing PHP 5 OOP Extensions Programming Smarty Wez Furlong - PDO PHP Data Objects Playing Safe PHP and Encryption DB2 Universal Database Chris Shiflett - PHP Security Coding for Safety Some PEAR For You Jason Sweat - Test-driven Development with PHP Ilia Alshanetsky - John Coggeshall - Derick Rethans - Dan Scott - OOP in PHP 5 Marcus Boerger - Wez Furlong - K Chris Shiflett - Jason Sweat - Daniel Kushner - George Schlossnagle - Lukas Smith - Andrei Zmievski For more information and to sign up http tropics Early-bird discount in effect for a limited time f At php tropics take the exam and php arc jagii tipJlDt 3et Zend Certified .and we ll pay your fees The php .
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