tailieunhanh - Chapter-6-Post-installation configuration

In the last chapter we looked at the installation of the basic system, up to the point where it could be rebooted. It’s barely possible that this could be enough. Almost certainly, though, you’ll need to perform a number of further configuration steps before the system is useful. In this chapter we roughly follow the final configuration menu, but there are a few exceptions. The most important things to do ar | 2 April 2003 17 00 47 The Complete FreeBSD page 91 In this chapter Installing additional software Adding users Time zone Network services Startup preferences Configuring the mouse Configuring X Rebooting the new system 6 Post-installation configuration In the last chapter we looked at the installation of the basic system up to the point where it could be rebooted. It s barely possible that this could be enough. Almost certainly though you ll need to perform a number of further configuration steps before the system is useful. In this chapter we roughly follow the final configuration menu but there are a few exceptions. The most important things to do are Install additional software. Create accounts for normal users. Set up networking support. Configure the system to start all the services you need. Configure the X Window System and desktop. In this chapter we ll concentrate on getting the system up and running as quickly as possible. Later on in the book we ll go into more detail about these topics. At the end of the previous chapter we had a menu asking whether we wanted to visit the last options menu. If you answer YES you get the configuration menu shown in Figure 6-1. If you have rebooted the machine log in as root and start sysinstall. Then select Configure which gets you into the same menu. v 2003 04 02 06 40 31 91 2 April 2003 17 00 47 The Complete FreeBSD . tools page 92 The Complete FreeBSD 92 Figure 6-1 Configuration menu As the markers under the word Networking indicate this menu is larger than the window in which it is displayed. We ll look at some of the additional entries below. Only some of these entries are of interest in a normal install we ll ignore the rest. There may be some reasons to deviate from the sequence in this chapter. For example if your CD-ROM is mounted on a different system you may need to set up networking before installing additional software. Installing additional software The first item