tailieunhanh - Molecular Biology Problem Solver 5

Molecular Biology Problem Solver 5. Sách được nhiều nhà khoa học có uy tín, nhiều kinh nghiệm trong nghiên cứu thực nghiệm trình bày những vấn đề thường hay phát sinh trong phòng thí nghiệm. Do vậy mà sách không trình bày các protocol hay quy trình như các sách khác, thay vào đó các tác giả sẽ trình bày các vấn đề nhằm giúp giúp đọc giả: Tự nâng cao khả năng chẩn đoán nguyên nhân khi gặp các vấn để về kỹ thuật, quy trình, hóa chất, thuốc thử trong quá trình thực nghiệm trong phòng thí. | they can usually help you find the appropriate people. In some cases calling the president or the person responsible for the manufacturing site may get the best response. It will just take patience working up the corporate ladder until you find someone who has the authority and resources to give help beyond the ordinary. Editor s note Yelling rings most effectively in the ears of upper management not low-level personnel. Getting What You Need from a Supplier 29 Molecular Biology Problem Solver A Laboratory Guide. Edited by Alan S. Gerstein Copyright 2001 by Wiley-Liss Inc. ISBNs 0-471-37972-7 Paper 0-471-22390-5 Electronic 3 The Preparation of Buffers and Other Solutions A Chemist s Perspective Edward A. Pfannkoch Buffers. 32 Why Buffer . 32 Can You Substitute One Buffer for Another . 32 How Does a Buffer Control the pH of a Solution . 32 When Is a Buffer Not a Buffer . 33 What Are the Criteria to Consider When Selecting a Buffer . 33 What Can Generate an Incorrect or Unreliable Buffer . 35 What Is the Storage Lifetime of a Buffer . 37 Editor s note Many perhaps most molecular biology procedures don t require perfection in the handling of reagents and solution preparation. When procedures fail and logical thinking produces a dead end it might be worthwhile to carefully review your experimental reagents and their preparation. The author of this discussion is an extremely meticulous analytical chemist not a molecular biologist. He describes the most frequent mistakes and misconceptions observed during two decades of experimentation that requires excruciating accuracy and reproducibility in reagent preparation. 31 Reagents. 39 Which Grade of Reagent Does Your Experiment Require . 39 Should You Question the Purity of Your Reagents . 39 What Are Your Options for Storing Reagents . 40 Are All Refrigerators Created Equal . 41 Safe and Unsafe Storage in Refrigerators. 41 What Grades of Water Are Commonly Available in the Lab . 42 When Is 18MQ Water Not 18 MQ Water . 44 .